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01-January 10, 2012
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2012
Present: Betty Lewis, Richard Stankus, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, Paul McDonald

Absent: David Thurston

Chair opens the meeting and asks for a motion to accept the minutes barring any changes. So moved by Richard Stankus, seconded by Paul McDonald. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Certificates of Appropriateness.

1. 19 Grover St. – Kenneth Dover – handicapped ramp on east side of house

Ken – will be preserving as much of the back porch as possible. Ramp will be constructed over existing back stairs and wrap around and down the east side of the house encroaching two to three feet into the driveway. Posts will be sunk into the ground. No permanent attachments will be made to the house. The ramp is temporary and will be completely removable. Spindles will match the back porch. The ramp will be pressure treated lumber.

General discussion.

Jim Hutchinson makes a motion to accept the plan as submitted with the following amendments:
  • Paint rail/spindles and stain decking to match rear porch.
  • Add lattice to exterior east side and paint to match.
  • Add landscaping at front of house to hide ramp from street view.
Motion seconded by Richard Stankus. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

Christina – training materials have been made available as requested.
  • Chapter 178 of the Municipal Code covering the Historic Resources Review Board.
  • Secretary of Interior standards for rehabilitation.
  • Map of the historic district.
Richard – questions the signage along South St. and if any of it can be removed. Christina will look into this.

Street light bulbs are in process of being changed.

102 South St. – many detrimental issues concerning the property. Back on the market. Window still needs to be installed in garage.

35 Grover St. – fire to exterior of building 1/1/12. Will need Board approval for repairs.

39 William St. – work has been completed. Permit issued without Board approval.

Next meeting February 14, 2012 at 7 p.m.

Motion to adjourn by Richard Stankus, seconded by Jim Hutchinson. Meeting adjourned.